From:Mark Virtue - HarmonySite <>
Sent:Monday, 5 August 2013 1:00:03pm
Subject:New features for your HarmonySite website

Hi All,


Some new useful features and improvements to the HarmonySite software have just been released, including...


·         "Positions" (President, Treasurer, etc) now have an "access level".  This means that you can make some positions visible to the public, while others remain only visible to members (on the "Officers" / "Management Team" page).

·         Links on the "Links" page (links to other related organisations) can each now have a logo.

·         When multiple events in the Event Calendar occur on the same day, you can now control the order in which they appear.  This is done by assigning each a "Ranking" number (lowest ranking appears first).

·         Each song in the "Songs" database can now have an MP3 file uploaded for the "Soloist" learning track (if there is one).  There's also a corresponding MIDI and Notes file.

·         Each song in the "Songs" database can now track the date that singers are required to be "Off Book", via a new field.

·         The Birthday calendar now also shows members' anniversaries (if they've been entered into the database, of course)

·         If your group has a Twitter account, you can now add your Twitted feed to the right margin of many public-facing pages.  This is something that only I can do, so if you want this for your site, let me know.

·         Items on the "Bulletin Board" page (or any other page that contains "Posts" of more than one type) can now be "grouped", in the same way that songs can be grouped on the "Songs" page.

·         US groups now have all their dates presented in US date format (Month/Day/Year)

·         Events that have a Google map now have an extra link underneath the map to open that map on the actual Google maps website.

·         It is now possible to track which pages your members (and visitors) are visiting.  This is done via the new "Hit Logs" administration page.  If you want to enable this, simply click the "Create" button on that page.  Note that the only way to VIEW the log of "hits" is to export the hits to a CSV file, which can then be opened and analysed in Excel (or a similar program).

·         Fixed some bugs in the displaying of "event" attendance graphs.


There are some exciting new features coming soon, including:


·         The ability to have multiple "ensembles" within the one website.  Currently, your website holds details about exactly one singing group.  But many of you have told me that you have either sub-groups or affiliated groups, and you'd like the ability to have the management of these integrated into the website.  This will be added very soon.  When it happens, any quartets in your group will simply become one of these "ensembles".

·         A "Libraries" module, where you can track your music library (sheet music, CDs, etc), your equipment register, and your costume/uniform register (or any other database of items that you loan out)

·         IF you create a new "position" (e.g. President, Secretary, etc), and this new position has an email address, the system will soon be able to create the actual email address automatically, rather than requiring your webmaster to log into the hosting account's control panel to create the email address manually.  The same applies to mailing lists.

·         The ability to customise the lists of members that appear in various places throughout the system.  For example, which set of members should appear in the Attendance register.

·         The ability to track member clothing sizes (e.g. S, M, L, XL, XXL, etc, or the many various measurements of their limbs, such as "inside leg length", etc).

·         A full integrated online help system, where you can learn about how to manage all aspects of your website

·         A forum for all people such as yourself - people that run their singing group using the HarmonySite software.  In this forum you can post questions to other users (or to me), share ideas, help other people who are wrestling with issues you've already solved, etc.


Plus some other, more significant changes that I can't reveal at this time.


If you have any questions about any of these, please let me know.



